Social Stories

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Going to the Airport

Your holiday season may be filled with some travel. Download this social story on Going to the Airport to help your traveling operate a little smoother.

Going to the Airport Social Story We're taking a trip on an airplane!
To get to the airplane, we need to go to their airport.
The airport is where all the planes fly in and out with passengers.
It can be very crowded at the airport so I stay with my family to ensure I don't get lost.
First, we got to the desk to check our luggage and get our boarding passes.
The staff member will take our luggage and put it on the plane.
Our boarding pass tells us which gate our plane will be at and which seats to sit in.
After we check in, we will go through the security gate, also called the TSA Checkpoint.
The staff member will ask us to empty our pockets and put our items in the boxes:
Once we pass the checkpoint, we will collect our items and walk to our gate.
At our gate, we will wait until our group is called to board the plane.
Boarding the plane takes time so we need to wait in line calmly.
When we find our seats, we will sit down and buckle our seatbelts until it's time for take-off.Download Now!

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