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Winter Time Silly Blanks

Winter is here! While you are snuggled up cozy inside, have some fun with the Happy Apple by filling out this Silly blank!

Luna Ramirez · Oct 28
Anne Begley winter silly blank copy. The (adjective) chill in the air lets the (pick a color) Happy Apple know that Winter is here! The (adjective) snow has already begun to fall, which means it's time for (adjective) (noun). The Happy Apple (verb) (adjective) gloves, a (adjective) scarf, and (adjective) (noun) to stay (adjective). These items allow the Happy Apple to (verb) outside, go skiing, (verb), and (verb). Building a (adjective) snowman is always so much (adjective), and they might even make (adjective) snowballs and have a snowball fight. When it's time to head inside, they get very (adjective) and cozy by the fire in their (adjective) pajamas. Everyone gets a mug of (adjective) (noun) with freshly baked (noun) as they watch (adjective) (noun) movies on the TV. Winter is very (adjective) and (adjective), and the Happy Apple loves all the activities that Winter allows!Download Now!

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