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Tips for Transitioning Into Kindergarten

Our clinicians have put together some great tips for transitioning into kindergarten!

Our clinicians have put together some great tips for transitioning into kindergarten! Visit the School!
- Coordinate a visit to the school to expose your child to their new environment before classes begin. Assemble Your Team!
- Schedule a meeting between the BCBA and teachers/paraprofessionals of your child's team to establish collaboration. Use Visual Aids!
- Ask the school if there are any pictures or videos of the common areas in the school to show your child spaces, such as their lunch room, gym, and even their desk. Visually Map Their Day!
- Create a visual schedule of their day so they will know what to expect as their routine prepares to change. Lean On Your Team!
- Discuss with your clinical team the best way to ease your child into school and whether they recommend part-time or full-time attendance. Download Now!

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