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Breakfast Time Silly Blanks

Tell a tale with this Breakfast-Themed Happy Apple Silly Blanks Story!

Today, the (pick a color) Happy Apple is cooking a (adjective) breakfast for their (noun). Everyone is really (adjective), so there's a lot of (adjective) food to make. First, they will make the (noun). They will (verb) each (noun) in a bowl and add a sprinkle of (noun). Then they will (verb) the pan on the stove and (verb) the (noun) until they are cooked. Once the (noun) are ready, it's time to cook the (noun). The Happy Apple will (verb) (adjective) slices to ensure enough for everyone. Carefully, the (noun) will be cooked to make sure it doesn't (verb) and is still nice and (adjective). Finally, it's time to make some (adjective) (noun), everyone's favorite breakfast item. The Happy Apple will (verb) all the ingredients and pour them into the bowl to (verb). Then they will (verb) a pan and cook each (noun) one by one until (adjective) perfection. When it's time to eat, everyone gathers around the (noun) to help with the (noun). Everyone thanks the Happy Apple for cooking the (adjective) breakfast and they serve their plates with (noun), (noun), and (noun) with a side of (noun). Breakfast time is even more (adjective) because they get to share it together!Download Now!

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