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Winter Hat Craft

This winter hat may not be able to withstand the cold, but it is a great opportunity to work on fine motor skills! This craft involves counting and sorting and also provides your autistic kiddo with the chance to practice decision-making and following instructions.

Winter Hat Craft This winter hat may not be able to withstand the cold, but it is a great opportunity to work on fine motor skills! This craft involves counting and sorting and also provides your autistic kiddo with the chance to practice decision-making and following instructions. What You'll Need:
- Construction Paper
- Cotton Balls
- Glue
- Stapler Instructions:
- Lay your construction paper horizontally and cut two 1-inch strips.
- Line up your two strips so they make one longer band. Assist your kiddo with stapling one of the ends of the two strips together. - Wrap the larger strip of construction paper around your kiddo's head to get their measurement and staple the headband into place.
- Allow your kiddo to pick out the colors they would like their hat to be and cut two 1/2-inch strips from each piece of construction paper. They should have at least six strips but can have more for a fuller hat top. - Take the first strip of construction paper and staple one end to the headband. The strip should create a T shape with the headband, and then bend the strip over to staple the other end to the headband. - Repeat this process with each strip, keeping equal space between each strip. This will form a dome, creating the top of your winter hat. - Once you have formed your hat, it's time to decorate with cotton balls! You'll need twice the number of cotton balls as the number of strips your hat has. Assist your kiddo with cutting these cotton balls in half.
- Start decorating your hat by gluing one cotton ball half to each point where the strip meets the headband. Then, glue a cotton ball half in between each of the existing cotton balls around the headband.
- Complete your hat by gluing a cotton ball to the top, creating your winter hat's pom pom!Download Now!

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