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Jack O'Lantern Squeeze Ball Craft

Our Jack O'Lantern Squeeze Ball is the perfect craft for practicing fine motor skills and creating a sensory toy for your autistic kiddo!

Jack O'Lantern Squeeze Ball: Parties, parades, and Trick-or-Treating! There are many fun activities during the Halloween season involving crowds or noises that can end up leading to overstimulation and anxiety for autistic kiddos. Have a game plan to regulate those feelings and make the spooky season much more enjoyable. Our sensory Jack O'Lantern Squeeze Ball can come with your kiddo on the go and provides the perfect focal point to assist with calming them down. What you'll need: -Orange balloon -Funnel -Filling (flour, sand, corn, beads, beans, etc.) -Permanent marker -Green pipe cleaners Instructions:
1. Start by inflating your balloon to allow it to stretch out. 2. After deflating your balloon, add the funnel to the opening. You'll want to add your filling in slowly, stretching the balloon when needed. Tip: Get creative with your fillings to increase the sensory experience for your kiddo. For example, why not combine a soft texture like sand or flour with a more solid texture like a few kernels of corn or beans?
3. Once you've filled your balloon, tie a knot at the opening to seal it. 4. Grab your permanent marker and assist your kiddo in creating some spooky or silly jack o'lantern faces!
5. Finish your squeeze ball off by twisting a piece of green pipe cleaner to the knot at the top of your balloon to form your pumpkin vines. Your squeeze ball is now ready!Download Now!

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