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Build Your Own Sensory Bin

Engaging in sensory play can be incredibly beneficial for kiddos as they work to problem solve, find emotional outlets, and tap into their creativity. This customizable activity allows you to swap items to create your own themed sensory bin!

Build Your Own Sensory Bin Engaging in sensory play can be incredibly beneficial for kiddos as they work to problem solve, find emotional outlets, and tap into their creativity. This customizable activity allows you to swap items to create your own themed sensory bin! What you'll need:
- Plastic bin
- Water beads
- Plastic toys
- Scooper or spoon
- Ice cubes (optional)
- Lemon juice, cinnamon, or essential oil (optional) Assembly:
- Follow the instructions on your water bead package to activate them. Fill your bin with the activated water beads. Note: If your child does not like wet or slimy textures, swap for a dry base such as sand, uncooked rice, or dry pasta.
- Hide some plastic toys in the bin. Note: Pick a theme for your bin and match the plastic toys with the theme!
- Add your scent booster based on your kiddo's preferences: lemon juice, cinnamon, and skin-safe essential oil. Note: Only add a few drops or sprinkles of each. You don't want to make the scent too overpowering for your little one.
- Add in your ice cubes if your kiddo is comfortable with cold sensations. You can also experiment with different ice cube molds to fit your theme.
- Place your scooper or other tools that allow your kiddo to explore the hidden items, and your sensory bin is ready for playtime!Download Now!

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